Like Plastic revisited

lp1 Tällaiset somat kirjat saapuivat byroolle eilen. Kyseessä on siis Kevin Wignallin kirjoittama pienoisromaani Like Plastic, josta aiemmin jo blogissani mainitsin. Hykertelin itsekseni, sillä kirja tuntuu kouraan todella kivalta. Olisi hienoa päästä tekemään lisää tällaisia pienempiä opuksia.


Kirjaa voi suositella lämpimästi kesälukemiseksi (voin avoimesti kehua, kun juoni ei tällä kertaa ole omaa käsialaa ;) ). Tarina on inasen kieroutunut ja välillä mennään makaaberin puolelle, mutta mukana on yllin kyllin lakonista brittihuumoria ja yllättäviä juonenkäänteitä.


Kirja löytyy kaupoista tällä viikolla, ja toki sitä saa meikäläisenkin nettipuljusta. Muutamia kappaleita sitä kustantajalta tilailin.

Misc- | Muuta, SuomeksiJP Ahonen
The French edition is out

preview7Perkeros – Les notes fantômes is indeed out today! We sincerely hope you like the book, as there's a lot of heart put into it. The EnglishGerman, Italian and Spanish editions will follow this fall, we'll keep you posted on those, of course.

If you're feeling lucky, check out the Perkeros competition on Casterman's website, where you'll be able to win 3-day passes to Hellfest Open Air or yearly subscriptions to Hard Rock Mag simply by answering a few book related questions. The questions are easy peasy! If you don't know the answers yet, you can plough through the first 100 pages or so of the story on Delitoon and do your research. ;) The new batch was just uploaded today.

A big thanks to everyone who came to the opening of the exhibition in Brussels last week. I'll post more about the trip once I have the time. The exhibit is open till the 15th of June, so please check it out if you're visiting the Belgian Comic Strip Center! While there, I gave several interviews on Perkeros and comics in general, and I hear the first is out on Radio Panik. You can find the audio online here (beginning at around 9 mins, the interview starting at around 19 mins). And speaking of interviews, thanks to Harri Römpötti for the heartfelt interview in Helsingin Sanomat.

In any case, that's it for now, I guess. The book is in stores, our French friends. Hope you enjoy the opening story!

Les notes fantômes

preview1So I received this lovely package on Monday, and I'm still coming to terms with the fact that KP and I will actually have a book out in French. Crazy. The official street date is on the 14th of May, but you'll be able to read the first chapters in French on Delitoon. The third set just updated online today, feel free to check it out here.

preview2 The French version is slightly bigger than the original Finnish version, but still surprisingly user-friendly (I was worried the book would be too big), and the spot varnish on the cover is pretty damn sweet. :). I do miss the coarse, matte papers from the original edition, though, but overall the book has turned out nicely. *phew*

preview6preview6 As we're teaming up with a few affiliates, there's a little flyer inside (not going in to details yet), featuring a link to extra material and a little band bio. I seriously hope you like the package!

I'm heading out to Brussels on Saturday for the book launch and exhibition opening, so if you're in the neighborhood, please pop by the Belgian Comic Strip Center on Tuesday the 6th of May to say hi! ;) Here's a little more info of the exhibit in French. Take care, everyone, see you in Belgium!