Julkaisut – English
Syksyn ohjelmistoa | Program for the Autumn

sne_cover Syksystä näyttää tulevan varsin kiireinen erinäisine julkkareineen ja ohjelmanumeroineen. Riennot polkaistaan käyntiin muutaman viikon päästä Helsingin Sarjakuvafestivaaleilla, joten tervetuloa poikkeamaan jos liikutte Helsingissä 5.–7.9. Festien lisäksi osallistun syksyllä New York Comic Coniin (9.–12.10.), Helsingin Kirjamessuille (23.–26.10.) ja Oulun Sarjakuvafestivaaleille (6.–8.11.).

New Yorkiin minut vie Perkeroksen englanninkielisen version lanseeraus. Sing No Evil ilmestyy virallisesti siis 30.9. Tilaan itselleni pienen setin kovakantisia ja pehmeäkantisia opuksia kun niiden perään on jo kyselty. Laitan vielä erikseen infoa kun paketti on tullut perille. Muut kieliversiot ilmestyvät myös syksyllä, seuraavassa järjestyksessä: 8.9. Espanja, 18.9. Italia ja 14.10. Saksa.

Perkeroksen jatko(-osie)n kässäröinti on kovassa vauhdissa ja alan pullauttelemaan visuja kirjan FB-sivuille taas lähitulevaisuudessa. Heinäkuun lopussa sattui pieni haaveri, joka omalta osaltaan rukkasi hieman aikatauluja uusiksi (ikkunalasi veti piirtokäden ranteen auki), mutta nyt ollaan taas vauhdissa. Tämän siitä vissiin saa kun tekee sarjakuvia Saatanasta ja heavy-musiikista. ;) Ollaan kuulolla! And in English:

This fall is shaping up to be quite a hectic one with several events on the horizon. First up is the Helsinki Comic Festival, taking place during the 5th–7th of September. You'll also find me attending  New York Comic Con (9.–12.10.), the Helsinki Book Fair (23.–26.10.) and Oulu Comic Festival (6.–8.11.).

Quite a few have been asking about the foreign versions of Perkeros, and I'm honored to say that the English translation, Sing No Evil, will be out on the 30th of September (the "official" launch will be in NYCC, so drop by and say hi if you're there!). Other language regions will be out as follows: 8.9. Spanish, 18.9. Italian ja 14.10. German.

For the time being we're hard at work with the Perkeros sequel(s), and I'll begin uploading some previews of visuals on our Facebook page soon(ish). I had a little accident late July, which forced me to sit still for a while (a window cut through my wrist), but I'm up and at it once again. Guess that's what you get when you doodle comics about Satan and heavy metal and whatnot. ;) Be safe, talk to you soon!

Perkeros @ the CBBD

brysseli03Times have been a little hectic, but I managed to sort out some of the photos from the Perkeros exhibit in the Belgian Comic Strip Center. You'll find the material on the Finnish Comics webpage. I was truly sorry fellow scriptwriter KP couldn't make it, but we attended the exhibition opening with my family. Thanks again to all the parties involved who made this happen. I was truly overwhelmed by the opening and did my best not to get all mushy and emotional (#fail), but well… this book really is a labor of love.

I was also a bit worried how I'd be able to chat about the book in English, but the interviews we're surprisingly fun and laid-back. A big thanks to all the journalists for making me feel at home. I especially liked the interview for Le Gant de Toilette radio program (beginning at around 19:18 if you wish to skip Ghost of Perdition ;) ) and the surprise visit by a Chinese TV-crew(?).

brysseli12 Brussels really treated us well, and I can't wait to go back soon. If you're in the neighborhood, please check out the exhibit at the CBBD. It's there till mid-June. Thanks for all the love and support we've received from the French readers so far! You're fueling us forward, seriously. All the best, talk to you soon.

The French edition is out

preview7Perkeros – Les notes fantômes is indeed out today! We sincerely hope you like the book, as there's a lot of heart put into it. The EnglishGerman, Italian and Spanish editions will follow this fall, we'll keep you posted on those, of course.

If you're feeling lucky, check out the Perkeros competition on Casterman's website, where you'll be able to win 3-day passes to Hellfest Open Air or yearly subscriptions to Hard Rock Mag simply by answering a few book related questions. The questions are easy peasy! If you don't know the answers yet, you can plough through the first 100 pages or so of the story on Delitoon and do your research. ;) The new batch was just uploaded today.

A big thanks to everyone who came to the opening of the exhibition in Brussels last week. I'll post more about the trip once I have the time. The exhibit is open till the 15th of June, so please check it out if you're visiting the Belgian Comic Strip Center! While there, I gave several interviews on Perkeros and comics in general, and I hear the first is out on Radio Panik. You can find the audio online here (beginning at around 9 mins, the interview starting at around 19 mins). And speaking of interviews, thanks to Harri Römpötti for the heartfelt interview in Helsingin Sanomat.

In any case, that's it for now, I guess. The book is in stores, our French friends. Hope you enjoy the opening story!