Rock on! Jouni Nummela continued comic 3 at Comic Co.! Later on I'll post a few pictures and links about ARS 06 which I went to see yesterday. Ja muistutuksen sananen Tampereen alueella pörrääville että lauantaina on Henki & Elämä -kirjafestarit Siperiassa.
My Hourly Comic Day strips are finally up here. It was a rather rough day. Fun though. But at some point you noticed that you were hogging up way too much time per strip... Thanks to Markus and Jouni for your contribution at the end. I'm sure my strip would've been better off without you. XDJust kidding.
Today's the Hourly Comic Day and it's started off nicely. I'll be posting my stuff up soon. Besides that I'd like to invite you to take a look here. Mama ry commissioned me to do a Valentine's e-card. Jarkko Nääs made one aswell, which is actually my favourite. :DEli muistakaa ystävää. Paiskatkaa e-kortilla.